GavHensley: Code

About Me

Gav Headshot

Hello! I'm Gavin Hensley. I’m a full stack developer that is on a constant mision to expand my knowledge in C#, .NET Core, Unity, and anything else that might fit into my projects I'm working on at the time. After some time in the audio industry, I found myself drawn more and more to the software I used. I wanted to know how they worked and interacted with the various media I was interested in. How can Shazam know what song is playing at the coffee shop? If I drop an object in a video game, how does the signal of that action send the information to the speakers and then to my ears? How does the software know there is even a digital representation of a floor there!? Those were the questions I wanted answered, and in knowing more, I could build my own soundscapes and worlds.

I have a bachelor’s degree in New Media and Communication Technology from The Ohio State University. There I learned the importance of understanding how people interact with technology and the social implications of said technology. I was taught UI and UX design as well as the history and the theories surrounding communication technology. There was some coding involved, but there is always more to learn, so I decided to enroll in the We Can Code IT boot camp in Cleveland, Ohio. As I gather knowledge and create new projects, I will put them on display on this page. Thanks for stopping by!


Here is a sampling of some of my projects. Clicking on the image will take you to the GitHub repository and more information will be in the readme file. If anything is of interest, feel free to check out my GitHub page! The link is down below in "Additional Media." Or if you want to ask me directly, there are more ways to contact me below!

Studio Inventory Management

This is a project made using Node.js and a RESTful API to manage an individual recording studio with inventory tracking and a built in process for renting gear from the studio. Team size: 6.

Toppings Review Site

Pizza four eyes logo

I got together with a small group and we made an MVC web app using ASP.NET Core. The site allows users to post different pizza toppings, which can then be reviewed by users. Team size: 4.

A guitar text-based adventure!

image of a guitar

This is a small program made to illustrate the process of getting a new instrument and learning to play. How many people will you perform for? Team size: 1.

(In progress) Personal Belongings Tracker

In May of 2022 I moved for the first time in several years. The packing process seemed to be never ending! I decided to make an app that would keep track of all my permanent belongings and where they were in my living space. Team size: 1.

Additional Media

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me!